Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Pictures of Kimi

Kimi leaves to head a few hours south on a bus today. So no more 'eating sushi' jokes or sex comments, that part of my Kiwi adventure is over (for now).

So last night Kimi and I went to a couple of places, Corner Bar and Father Ted's, before going back to the hostel and watching South Park/playing with sashimi. And here's some pictures, y'all...

Meanwhile, I'm still unemployed. Seems this sandwich job isn't happening as I'm being dicked around a bit waiting for them to tell me when I can start. So I've applied for another job and I may apply for a few more because quite frankly, I'm tired of people giving me work and then not giving me work. Seems already this adventure has taken a turn for the "20 minutes before the end of the movie when something bad happens", but this is just the opening scene. Still, I'm hopeful things will turn around as I should be getting my tax rebate this week, which will allow me to buy something other than pasta without wondering how much food I can fit in my pockets without the cameras noticing and then realising the cameras cover every inch of that place!

And that's all for now. So no money and no loving for a while, but I will get my tax rebate and then I will be happy, for a bit, until I run out of money again, probably.
And why is there nothing else worth photographing in this city?
 UPDATE: Just a quick note, I called the number on this job ad and, well, why the hell not? So I'll be speaking to them tomorrow afternoon in a little sit down/ sign up/ask for money chat, at which point I will tell them I have no money for the 'admin fees', maybe my charm and wit will make then wave the fees?

Because, who wouldn't want this mug on their books?

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