Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Job Offers

A quick post to update you  (and my future self when looking back at these blog posts) on what is happening job wise. Well a few days ago I figured 'it worked before' and posted an ad on Gumtree saying I need a job. I got a reply a few hours after, and after I replied to the reply asking for more info I got a reply that said... this

I am an agent working with Secret Shopper®

We are currently searching for individuals in New Zealand help us with our survey.
Currently, we have been paid to evaluate the services of a prestigious company which

The WESTERN UNION is a company that offers money transfer services.

The sole aim of this job is to evaluate the services of WESTERN UNION in your area.
We have received a lot of reports about their poor services.
Hence i will give you a detailed job description in key points.

. You are to locate a western union office you intend to evaluate.( If you need a list of WESTERN UNION in your area please specify.)

. A cheque would be sent to you to enable you have funds that would be transferred to another mystery shopper
   like you who would be evaluating another western union office in his / her location
. You deposit the cheques into your account.
. You deduct your wage of Three Hundred dollars
. You transfer the balance (after the subtraction of your wage and possible bank charges) to the name and address that would be attached to the cheque.

*NOTE* during the transfer process, you observe key things that would be sent to you inform of a questionnaire via email/post to enable you give us a detailed feed back of the whole process.

. After the transfer, you fill out the questionnaire and give a general comment about the whole process.

The reports would be based on how true/false the complains of these worried customers.
Materials needed for the evaluation would be posted to you.

Hence your duties would be to go to a WESTERN UNION outlet in your locality as a customer.

You do not require any experience in this field as detailed guidelines 
would be given to you to ensure a  successful completion.

This role would pay Three Hundred Dollars per Evaluation.

We await your urgent response. Thank you for your help, we look forward to working with you.

Best Regards,
 Some Guy

Seems legit. Today however I went to an agency to talk about signing up for work as an extra in whatever things are happening in New Zealand's film/TV industry. After a little while the whole thing sounded good but then the money thing came up and, well, I'm not paying that much just to sign up to something that I'm only going to be available for the next year at the most, plus they'd take 20% of any money I earned, which is a lot for an agent. But, today (just now actually) as I sat in the library my phone rang... It was the bun run job from last week, I can go along tomorrow because I'm taking over the 'roll' of somebody else as they shift their staff around a bit.

So, yeah, good stuff, hopefully. Oh and as for the dodgy work on the farm that was properly dodgy? Yeah, that aint happening, even on the off chance that $5000 dollars does appear I'm going to invest it and explain to the dodgy guy that it is in the system and I can't access it just yet.
But I can send you a jar of the 'returns'
 Tomorrow morning I go to learn where I'm selling sandwiches, which means I may well have a job now. Maybe I'll buy that vinyl album I saw today...
Wow! Only $150 for the worst album ever recorded! The value will only increase as nobody actually bought it.
And here's why...

Good luck getting such a catchy tune out of your head. 'Duhduhduuuuh I want you on the floor Duhduhduuuuuhdowdow I want to see a suicide! Dowdowdooo dadadadadow Soul shaking dadadaddaow dow I AM THE VIEW dowdowdowdow I AM THE TABLE!'

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