Friday, 13 July 2012

The (Bun) Running Man

Today I worked for the first time proper in my new 'roll' (I did that joke before in a previous post. It's still just as funny) of being a bun runner!

Of course last night I accidentally went out with a guy from Singapore (who happened to be the hostel bar manager), a Scotsman and Irishman. It was accidental because I only went to the bar on the promise of one beer from my Scottish room mate.
A bit of a laugh, taking the mickey out of each other and I met some guy from Colchester. So not enough sleep later I got up and went to work...
...And now my arms ache (thanks again, work). That box is pretty heavy, good thing it's only part time or else I'd probably do myself a mischief. The job itself is simple, go to offices, sell sandwiches. Of course unlike a normal sales job it's hard to convince someone to buy something they brought from home and it's even harder to convince an office that has planned to go out for lunch because it was such a nice day today and it's the end of the week so why not? All together now!
It's also the 13th.
Finished at about 1pm, so I grabbed my camera and took a few (a lot) of pictures around the Wynyard Quarter near the Viaduct. Incoming photos!

Here's me, in case you weren't sure

Me, again.
I liked how the Sun was only shining on the city area, makes it stand out a bit.

Swearing, but it did make me chuckle a bit
Some really creative graffiti here (the graffiti on top of the street art, there's a difference)

Street art depicting a blonde guy spearing a 'special' girl in a crash helmet.

Yep, that's a person.
This was on the path outside a Thai restaurant, I can only assume they've ordered the rest of that quote.

That killed quite a bit of time, so off to the library to get some free internets. But the speed wasn't up to much today so I went to a coffee shop, got a cheapest latte and interneted properly. I'm not sure why I wrote that bit in the past tense because I'm actually here now writing this, unless you're reading this later on in which case I'm probably watching stupid Youtube Poops and smirking at rubbish like this...

But because that may not have been 'that' great for you (because you have poor taste in movie one liners), I'll end with a different/slightly racist pictorial joke,

What did the Chinese woman say when she went home with the ugly guy?
 Needs work. That's the end of this post, I still haven't got my rebate, if you were curious about that. I'll think of how to better that WONGKOK joke, but for now I'll say 'so long, readers!'

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