Those of you on my Facebook will already know I had my phone nicked this week, also that I'm going back to England next week.
The going home thing is a little bit annoying as the only real reason I have to bail on my travelling dreams is money, that you all know I owe so I won't go into detail. The phone thing however is very annoying as that phone was potentially priceless, some very important numbers on there including the lady from Tuesday night. So whoever stole my phone has essentially cock blocked me and for that I hope they get a nice dose of AIDS, that's right,
Not HIV but full blown AIDS! |
It's even more annoying that my phone was nicked just before I was going to leave the country, just like my camera was nicked just before I left Australia. Oh well, shit happens, the problem was shit all is going to happen with me and that girl now, which is a shame because I was planning on becoming a symbol of hope for penniless, uncool guys that deliver sandwiches and listen to AC/DC.
Guess which one got her number, that's right, the pink faced one on the left of the picture. So buy yourself a Turbowolf t-shirt and charge up your phone! - Ryan's Guide to Love (Vol.2) |
I guess I can still be that symbol, which is incentive enough to get my money sorted the fuck out and get back to seeing the world and more of the women that it has to offer. But it's not only the ladies I want to see more of, the world in general is worth seeing (although I have still seen very little of it) which is why I have the drive to just get home, sort out my debt and get back out there before I'm too old and dead to do anything!
Of course my money troubles won't go away over night, home happens to be a village with no buses and no train stations without driving 20 minutes to get to them, which might be a problem when I have to, oh I don't know, go to work. But I'll sort that out when I need to, first thing will be to sell my hundreds of games and DVDs, maybe even a few of my collectable t-shirts and memorabilia, to start off my new adventure into the world of over coming debt. Not much of an adventure in any way I am usually writing about, but if anything the whole blog writing/diary thing is a great way of remembering stuff clearly, like the time
I saw in 2012 at Sydney Harbour or seeing
live bands I never knew about before and the first time
I drank Sapporo beer and all the people and animals (or most of them, some were only around for a day) I've met, including Frankie the Wallaby.
Any excuse to post this picture again. |
There are the secondary life lessons, the less immediate ones that will hopefully become useful in later life, the kind I will use to back up advice I give my gran-kids, the kind where I say 'travelling is a lot like university, but with more foreign people that challenge stereotypes and Irish people that cement them' or 'don't spend all your money on beer, save some for the women' and the golden advice that 'Japanese chicks are crazy in the sack, like 'trying to break it off' crazy'.
I might just get myself one of these so I'm prepared when I start telling these stories. |
So yes, I'm leaving New Zealand and Australia, for how long? I don't know, but not forever (hopefully) because I haven't seen as much as I'd want to. But I'll also have to make time for seeing Asia, India, Canada, USA, Brazil, the rest of South America, a few bits of Africa and Scotland. Well, at least I have something to look forward to when I give up clearing my debt and just declare bankruptcy...
Kidding! Bankruptcy is like using a cheat code, one that accidentally puts the game into 'impossible difficulty' mode.
You should have just played the game on hard mode like everybody else |
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