Sunday, 26 August 2012

The Ultimatum

It's probably time to admit something, it's probably something you have already suspected for a long time. I have been mentioning job applications quite a lot in recent posts and there is a stark lack of me doing anything else. That's right, I'm broke, not 'oh no I can only afford a small latte instead of a regular' I mean full on, 'owe lots of money to various parties with no real hope of paying them off any time soon' broke.

I was in debt before I left for Australia little over a year ago, but it wasn't too bad. Once the culture shock of just how expensive Australia is to a foreign type hit I managed to deflect a majority of the blow onto my credit card and I have been struggling to make the minimum payments each month ever since. I'm more than a little annoyed at myself for losing control of my finances like that, but I have learned a valuable lesson, so valuable it's going to cost me about £5000, don't get a credit card, EVER! You will regret it and it just makes everything even more expensive anyway because who clears 100% of their account each month? And if you can do that why don't you just not have/use a credit card?

This fiscal issue has always been around, but now it has come to a point, one I must sand down a bit to make it less likely to stab me in the arse soon (You like that analogy? Good right?) Of course to fight this burning money pile I must burn more of my money (These metaphors doing anything for ya?), money I sadly am not earning enough of right now. I have given myself one week to find a 'proper' full time job that will pay enough to actually put up a fight against this demon of debt.
Pictured: Barclaycard
Failing to find a job here I'll be returning home, to England, to tackle the problem head on by selling as many of my possessions as I can and put some reigns on that run away debt.

This took longer to make than it should have.
It will be sad to be prematurely ejaculated from this corner of the globe (another excellent metaphor), but it would be foolish to think it's worth staying, stagnating in Auckland, with no money and having no fun (because fun costs money). But rest assured, if the worst happens and I do have to fly home, I will endeavour to travel to this part of the world again, better, harder, faster and with stronger finances.

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